(Just a tiny insight into the past 6 years!)
For the past 6 years we have lived in Burleson and I have worked full time driving back and forth to North Arlington.. I spend at least 10 hours a week in my car and most days come home exhausted! During this time I have learned to balance a job, a home, being a mother, and most importantly still giving my time to Ronnie. The only problem is I feel like 6 years have flown by and I'm still trying to figure out how to do it all! For the past 3 1/2 years Ronnie has worked for a drilling company in the oil/gas field. It has truly been a blessing in so many ways but most of you know it consist of him traveling for long periods of time. When Ronnie is called out to a job we are unsure when he will return. Most of the time it averages 7-14 days. Then when he is home it might be for 2 days or 2 weeks. So learning to adapt to his schedule has been challenging but at the same time we love when he is home for a long period! We kind of feel like we get more time together than if he worked Mon-Fri..
So with that said you have crazy stressed out mamma that really wants to just give into everything in order to keep the young-ins happy! Then you have Daddy that travels quite often and definitely doesn't want to come home and be the bad guy.. Short version of this story.. We have two girls that run the show!! haha Which is one of the huge reasons that we are taking the risk to allow me to quit my job and begin staying at home.. All of this is very scary for me.. I am afraid of setting my expectations too high and being this "stay at home mommy" isn't going to be what I thought it would be, or that I won't have this extra time on my hands to be more productive, or that staying home all of the sudden will create two perfectly well mannered little girls! Now don't get me wrong.. my girls are not bad all the time! haha I know that all children don't always make the best decisions and as they grow they learn to push their limits. I also know that children soak in way more then us parents realize they do! Which brings me to the recent book I just purchased, The Five Love Languages of Children. Some of you might be familiar with Chapmans other book, The Five Love Languages. I suggest you read it if you have not.. specially if you feel like you want to strangle your spouse! haha Anyhow I know it is surprising enough that I am reading at all (something else I plan on doing more often) but I had stumbled upon this book and really felt like it was a sign! It was kinda of like a "duh" moment for me.. if the initial book I read helped my marriage then of course this should give me some insight as to how to deal with the unique personalities of my two precious ones! How selfish of me to think they don't have a "love language" and that we should all learn understand and do our best to keep it full! So I began reading this last week and managed to get pretty far the first day.. Here are a few inserts to what I already read!
By speaking your child’s own love language, you can fill his
“emotional tank” with love. When your child feels loved, he is much
easier to discipline and train than when his “emotional tank” is running near empty.
Of course, it is necessary to train and/or discipline our children—
but only after their emotional tanks have been filled. Those tanks can
be filled with only one premium fuel: unconditional love. Our children
have “love tanks” ready to be filled (and refilled—they can deplete
regularly). Only unconditional love can prevent problems such as resentment,
feelings of being unloved, guilt, fear, and insecurity. Only
as we give our children unconditional love will we be able to deeply
understand them and deal with their behaviors, whether good or bad.
These two inserts were taken just from the introduction and it already hit me so hard! You don't realize how much damage you can cause by rewarding your children only when they do good things! Yes, I love my girls unconditionally but do I show it 100% of the time.. NO! What an eye opener this is going to be for me!
I look forward to sharing more of this book with my fellow Mommy's! And.. please...I want your feedback and if any of you have read this book already..
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